Friday, 30 August 2013

23rd to 30th August update

Calls With Roger:

Had many calls and chats with Roger , mainly related to two particular issues. One regarding the Reporting module's CohortDefinitionService, and the other being the portlet model and it's behavior. Other calls were status update. Today's call was about the integration of Roger's code.

Work done this week:

1) Internationalization
2)Created new Report page
3) Created the new portlet model for the options, dataElements and Report Templates page.
4)Worked on an issue of Reporting module for it's integration into our module
5) Integrated Roger's code , related to jaxb integration.

Main Work Remaining :

1)Integration of the Reporting module's creating reports and extracting the data.
2)Secondly the total workflow of jaxb integration
3)Some minor Ui Changes and functionality changes

Friday, 23 August 2013

Week 16th to 23rd August

This week I've been completing the refactoring of the code for the java classes and the view pages. And some methods have been added. The new methods added needed some lazy loading problem handling that required some time.

Calls with Roger:
 Had couple of calls with Roger regarding the hibernate exceptions and lazy loading problems.
Discussed about new page models and further goals of the project.

Work done this week:
1)Code refactoring
2)Setup of database with the new data model and data.
2)New methods for some pages.
3)New page models according to the call with Roger.
4) Modal windows have been added instead of in page editing tables.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

August 12th to 16th Update

As the earlier blog was written on the 12th of August, it explains the state till that day. This is the continuation of that blog.

This week I've looked at reporting api services that will be useful for me to incorporate in this module. And started to refactor the whole project as we know it.  The tables have been changed and many new tables have been added to better accommodate the DHIS data and easily retrieve and utilize them. The new .hbm.xml files , dao files, service files and hibernate files have been created. The forms are in progress and 3 forms are left out until they reach the state before refactoring.

The call with Roger was held yesterday. It was a status update call. Roger had been looking at jaxb connecters and the classes that would be useful for the data transfer. There were some github problems where the code checking was not possible. Anyway, as this was only  status call and there wasn't much to review until we move forward from the point where refactoring was started, Roger said that for further interaction it would be best to have a call after some extra work has been started.

This coming week, the goal is to complete the refactoring part, add the reporting api methods, get the location and run reports forms to a viewable state. Start work on Internationalization and learn the information given by Roger on Jaxb and probably start work on data exchange.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Code Review Week

Hi, Sorry for the late blog, it had been a very busy week!

This was the code review week whenre we had setup a cal with James Kariuki , Bob, Jolliffe,Saptarshi Purkayastha. Due to some call clash issues and connectivity issues Bob and Saptarshi could not join the call. But we had their review through mail where they mentioned that they were happy with the direction how the project has been progressing. So we had the call with James and had gotten positive reviews about how the project handled the diasaggregation issues of the data being exchanged.

The week that had gone by I've been working on completing the pages completely and creating the workable formats and created two new dummy pages.So, every page needed for the project has been created.

I had many calls with Roger, the previous week where we discussed like what changes we would like to have and how.

This week , i have a lot of refactoring to do as a new table format has been proposed by Roger which will solve some of the issues and will be a better model.There will be changes in the whole structure of the project.
Then there are some other tasks of fully making them working as in presenting them to the end user, that needs to be completed this week.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Midterm Week!!

First of all, i am very very happy to have cleared the mid term and congratulations to everyone who passed it :).This week had been pretty busy!

The coming few weeks would be busy as well :)

There were many calls with Roger, lot of them involving design of the pages and the tables. One even was the review of my presentation. It is all thanks to Roger that i didn't goof up in my presentation in the mid term!. He meticulously went through my presentation and pointed out the mistakes i was making and helped me resolve them.

I've been working on getting the pages ready and was successful to some extent :).  Almost all the pages are done in basic working state excepting one.  The database is also almost final, there might be some minor changes but the database is also in working state.

So the priority #1 for the coming week would be getting the full functionality of all pages ready! after that i would have to research on the consummation of the data from the Dhis2 server.

Saludos, Maurya :)